360-degree energy consultation

When doing a 360 degree energy check, 5 areas should be included:

5 areas 360 degree energy check

{tab Building envelope}

g-gebauedehuelle Building envelope

Thermal image

Strategic points for energy saving: Walls, windows, roof, soil.

Insulation measures are not always the right approach as to the economic point of view. We inform you about reasonable insulation measures which can easily be carried out for your home having short amortization periods.

{tab Behaviour-related measures}

g-verhalten Behaviour-related measures

360g-verhaltenStrategic points for energy saving: Cross sectoral comparison, comparison of standard rates, energy flow, energy accounting, replacement investments, employee motivation

A comparison of the key figures can give a first impression on the own energy consumption.
Test our energy calculator.
A comparison of standard rates for electricity and gas and an overview of your energy flux can provide more strategic points for energy saving.

{tab Process technology}

g-prozesstechnik Process technology

360g-prozessStrategic points for energy saving: Machines, plants and devices.

The average electric power unit is operated with 60% of its nominal power. There are a lot of different strategic points for energy saving.

{tab Regenerative energies}

Regenerative energies

Regenerative energiesStrategic points for energy saving: Heat recovery, solar / photovoltaics, heat pumps, cogeneration of heat and power.

{tab Supply engineering}

g-versorgungstechnik Supply engineering

Supply engineeringStrategic points for energy saving: Heating, RLT / MSR (process measuring and control technology), light, cold, compressed-air.

Please don’t hesitate to ask us how much energy you could save as to heating, pumps and circuits. Reductions concerning process measuring and control technology are also possible. We will check the efficiency of your room and building automation according to DIN V 18599 und EN 15232.

Savings up to 30% can be performed in the field of cooling technology.


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