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Ungedämmte Leitungen
Example: Non-insulated circuits

The KfW-Förderbank, Bund and Länder promote a lot of measure concerning energy efficiency.

Some examples of the KfW-Förderbank:

  • Generation of solar electricity
  • Ecological building
  • CO2 -efficient building and rehabilitation
  • Subvention of construction supervison

Some examples of the Bund (Federal Office for Economics and Export Control):

  • Subvention for biomass
  • Subvention for heat pumps
Ungedämmte Leitungen
Refrigerated table- unpurified liquefier
  • Subvention solar plants

Some examples of the Freestate of Bavaria

  • Local concepts for energy saving
  • Bavarian environmental credit programs
  • Bavarian modernization program
  • CO2-reduction program for local property

We will be glad to inform you about programs that suit your requirements Call us or use our contact form.

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