Work safety and fire protection

“Your employees’ health is the most important property!”

  • Are you concerned about safe and healthy workplaces?
  • Are there more than 10 employees in your company?
  • Did you ever think about ergonomic workplaces?
  • Are you sure that your documentation concerning risk assessment meets regulatory requirements?

If you can answer one of these questions in the affirmative, we might be the right contact!

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Legal foundations

Gefahr beim Fräsen

Regulatory requirements demand accident prevention from the management. Employers should take whatever steps necessary to ensure the safety and health of employees. To prevent accidents, you should establish a health and safety management system that incorporates risk assessment, risk management and monitoring procedures.

Our safety officers identify weaknesses and find the appropriate measures to eliminate or control the risks in all fields. If necessary they can survey the interaction of work equipment and if necessary, existing measures can be improved of adapted.

Employers are confronted with many tasks because of the safety at work act (AsiG) and the labor protection law (ArbSchG).
All task have the same objective: making work safer.

Legal foundations:
  • Safety at work act (AsiG: §6, §19)
  • Labor protection act (ArbSchG: §5,§6)
  • Accident prevention regulations of the Employer’s Liability Insurance Association (BG) and the Accident Insurance
  • Occupational safety regulation

Our safety officers help employers fulfill the regulatory requirements.

We can apply our different concepts according to the internal conditions and work out solutions for your company.

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Service Spektrum

Vorsicht an der Kreissäge

  • We plan and maintain plants, buildings and service rooms
  • We analyze the operational work organization, participate in committee meetings in the field of occupational safety and health
  • We introduce new processes, technical work equipment, working materials and protective equipment
  • We are your contact for ergonomic design as to workplaces, processes and work environment
  • We analyze and evaluate all existing hazards and risks as well as accidents
  • We organize your fire-protection
  • We organize a cost-effective management of hazardous materials
  • We work out instructions for all employees
  • We optimize accident prevention
  • We control implementation, impact and preservation
  • We evaluate and document the results which fulfill the burden of proof
  • We inspect workplaces and plants regularly

Labor protection and accident prevention decide on the conservation
of manpower in your company


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